Italian Garlic Bread Grilled Cheese


Italian Garlic Bread Grilled Cheese

PREP TIME 10 mins
COOK TIME 10 mins
TOTAL TIME 20 mins
Author: Lyuba Brooke
Serves: 1 sandwich


  • 2 slices of Italian bread
  • 1¼ Tbsp salted butter, softened
  • 1 large garlic clove
  • 4 oz mozzarella cheese (block melts best)
  • 3 slices of prosciutto
  • 1½ Tbsp pine nuts
  • 3-4 basil leaves, minced


  1. Mix butter and pressed garlic clove together with a fork until completely combined. Butter the outer sides of each slice of bread and get some butter mixture on the sides too.
  2. Slice mozzarella cheese thinly.
  3. Preheat a cooking pan big enough to fit two slices of bread over medium heat.
  4. Place bread slices, buttered side down, in the preheated pan.
  5. Divide slices of mozzarella cheese among both slices of bread, spreading them evenly. Let it cook until cheese starts to melt.
  6. Spread pine nuts and basil over cheese on one slice. Place prosciutto on top of nuts and basil, spread it evenly over the bread slice.
  7. Cover the slice that's loaded with nuts, basil and prosciutto with the other cheesy slice of bread. Press gently and let the grilled cheese cook until the cheese is completely melted, flipping as needed.

Recipe from Lyuba @